Oct 28, 2009

Suburban Office Parks

Ab0ve are pictures from my dentist's new office park. It's just off Ashford-Dunwoody near Perimeter Mall. As you can see, it looks nothing like an office park. To be honest, I thought I was in the wrong place at first. The buildings have an almost plantation home feel to them, and each of them house all different types of offices and businesses. My dentist is in one building, but others house insurance companies and other businesses. This office park clearly emulates the "sophisticated and prestigious architectural level" Muller writes about. The setting really does create a sort of escape from the busy street and mall activity a few miles away. The grass, trees, and architecture seem to blur the lines between work and home. I do not know how I would feel if I worked in one of these buildings. On the one hand, the environment feels inviting, secure, and comforting, but its strong resemblance to a suburban neighborhood of homes is almost a little creepy. As you can see above, the suburban fear of unwanted visitors is alive and well even in this office park.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen a few places like this one, Mary--really fascinating. Good eye! And good analysis of the design and feel of the place. Great photos.
