Nov 26, 2009

Gated Communities Are Everywhere

Gated communities have become a frequent sight across the Atlanta landscape. In Southwest Atlanta, (just OTP) several tony communities boast walled entrances accompanied by locked gates. These neighborhood features signal to the public a sense of exclusivity and ideas about heightened security.

Beyond the gated community other builders have use walled entries, sans gates to signify prestige, importance and expectations regarding conduct and decorum.

Walled entry, sans gates and lush semi tropical landscape design implies, exclusivity.

John Wieland subdivision without gates, yet the club house and walled entry communicate an inferences of status and prestige.

Signage used to enforce traffic.

Signage is used to discourage, sightseeing, onlookers or anyone else not invited or suspected of casing the neighborhood.

Signage warns NO OUTLET, public speak for Keep Out; private access on public property,

Signage warns again NO OUTLET

This roadway descends and leads to a lake community. This is on the western boundary of the city of Atlanta, subsequently City Sanitation provides services for this enclave. Notice the cone shaped stone sign post on either side of the road are absent of gates. Barely visible is the yellow NO OUTLET sign. Hence gates are prohibited on public thoroughfares. Of course there are outlets, you just have to know where you are going.

This wall signifies importance without the ominous presence of gates. Along the same the western boundary roadway for the city of Atlanta, one mile south this road also descends down a hill and leads to the lake through a platted landscape.

No doubt I am biased, since I do not care for gates and actually find them suspiciously pretentious. The increased level of security provided, appears to be highly suspect simply because they randomly announce to the passing public "We think that we have things, that you may find of interest and perhaps will want to steal." I mean I am just saying...

Below is the side of an elaborate wall along the roadway and fronting this small community of less 25 resources including club house with pool. As evidenced in this image, the wall does not fully enclose the community. Although the sign warning against criminal intent alerts the reader that the neighborhood is monitored by surveillance cameras, I wonder are criminals really deterred by this attractive wall or does this barrier prevent burglary and crime in this quiet and safe Atlanta community?

The front entrance of this impressive wall, with accompanying locked gate. The builders sign indicates that the community is still growing.

This property built by John Wieland Company has walls and locked gate along the roadway, yet it is also bordered by unfenced area on all sides.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, excellent photos, excellent analysis, Grace. I particularly like your recording of the non-gated "gated" community: the community with walls and/or signs that announces (loudly) its seclusion without the actual barriers.
