Nov 10, 2009

Industry in my Suwanee/Lawrenceville Suburb

These first two pictures represent two separate industrial parks off of Satellite Blvd.  I'm not sure I had any idea how much manufacturing was based out of Suwanee but these two pictures represent only a very small portion of these businesses on Satellite Blvd. 
The three pictures listed above is of Cisco Corporation located literally 1 minute from my apartment in Lawrenceville.  Cisco is a huge multinational corporation and their second largest corporate plant is located in Lawrenceville.

These last two pictures are of a brand new office park located in Suwanee.  Here I have two pictures of a few of these offices.  In this office park there are ten of these separate buildings in a circle.  The office was just built so it's barely occupied at the moment. 

1 comment:

  1. Kenny, these are awesome photos--Lawrenceville is the center of everything, it seems. I'm glad we've got you living to explore for us. Good work!
